Wrong News: Lance Knobel Oaklandside CEO’s Institutionally Racist Media Direction For Oaktown

Wrong News: Lance Knobel Oaklandside CEO’s Institutionally Racist Media Direction For Oaktown

YouTube video link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-KEU-MvxMDM

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Wrong News: Lance Knobel Oaklandside CEO’s Institutionally Racist Media Direction For Oaktown

. A vlog by the YouTube channel named in the video’s upper left corner and serves as the original blog post for this content.

Wrong News: Lance Knobel Oaklandside CEO’s Institutionally Racist Media Direction For OaktownAfter a very interesting set of conversations and email exchanges, I am convinced that Lance Knobel, the CEO of Oaklandside, presents an Institutionally racist media direction for Oakland.What prompted my conclusion was an email exchange around my pure disgust with the publication’s love for attacking black men in politics in Oakland. On top of that, Oaklandside illegally used one of my YouTube images and specifically to make fun of me as part of a post expressing their dislike for the fact that once-Oakland City Councilmember now Mayor Sheng Thao Aide LeAna Powell brought her complaint about her boss violating her civil rights to me and not to them.What I discovered is that the direction of Oaklandside in its weird meanness toward me does not come singularly from its reporter, but its’ CEO, Lance Knobel And I learned this after my attempt to establish a new relationship path was rebuffed, and a good media friend of mine responded with this email:Oaklandside isn’t interested in being honest or open with you or the public.\ You’re right: they are racially biased against Blacks and Asians and Hispanics.I hate believing that about anyone, especially since I grew up with so many white guys who were and are not that way, so I did some online looking around and stopped at Lance Knobel’s website called “Davos Newbies”.Now, anyone who’s followed my content for a while knows that early on I had an intense interest in the goings on at the Davos Forum. I even participated in a YouTube Project that culminated in, of all people, the actress Emma Thompson responding to my call for an end to racism. Emma asked people to break down the invisible barriers that keep us apart, and assured me that she is doing her part to make the world a better place.The way to start is by communicating. But in my case, and that of other black men, Oaklandside would rather write insults and untruths about you than have a dialog with you. Thus, Lance rebuffing me was no surprise. Lance would rather paint me as Donald Trump paints political opponents: with names like “coal lobbyist” that are far from the truth, and cloud it, too.Oaklandside not telling the truth about the Oakland Bulk and Oversized Terminal hides facts the public needs to know: like that it was Oakland and not Phil Tagami, who came up with the idea of hauling six different commodities including coal through the Oakland Bulk and Oversized Terminal. Trouble is, coal offered the market size big enough to provide revenue to make OBOT a business that made more revenue than expenses.The City of Oakland tried to hide that fact then worked to cover up the truth, telling the public that it did not know coal was in the OBOT plans until 2015, when the truth was The Tioga Group report identifying coal as the OBOT market for the City of Oakland was published in 2011. I begged to become ITS consultant to get out that truth, as well as the fact that ITS CEO John Siegel created an alternative plan to bring wood-chips in, in place of coal.While not the market size of coal, its growth was promising as a niche play for OBOT. Plus, Oakland could have just subsidized OBOT and erased the need for coal handling to have it pencil out, but that was too logical a solution for the hyper-political Oakland of present day.In my case, Oaklandside lables me as someone paid by what they call a “coal lobbyist” which is a complete lie. My client was Insight Terminal Solutions, a terminal developer who’s CEO had ties to the commodity industry most notably coal but neither John nor Greg McConnell were “coal lobbyists”. But in Oaklandside’s version of Trump-World, everyone, especially black men, are reduced to labels.And so I read more about Lance and Davos, and found mentions of a number of people, some I interviewed about their books about subjects like the dawn of blogging, and that brought up long buried observations about institutional racism in Berkeley.Simply, there are white men who consider themselves intellectual, some who come to America from Europe, but do not have a lived history of America and American culture or the black experience. Lance is from the UK, and moved to America in 2005. He is one of those Davos types not like Emma Thompson, they do not want to talk about racism, just dictate to you how to think about it.That is why Oaklandside is bad for Oakland: it does not invite dialog or argument and seeks to dictate and hide the truth, even about how it makes money as a non-profit. They are politically partisan when such a pose is illegal for a 501(c)3.Oakland is a town of ideas, and for that, you must have debate, and not authoritarian personalities. Oaklanside is out of touch with Oakland.


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Wrong News: Lance Knobel Oaklandside CEO’s Institutionally Racist Media Direction For Oaktown

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